Symbolism and tradition. Masonry The masonic movement and its organization. Freemasons Masonic work Freemasonry, initiation and masonic fraternity of Alice Bailey and (Master DK) Djwhal Khul the Master Tibetan. New masonic movement organization. Landmarks, theosophy and spiritualized masonry. Freemasons ceremonies and fraternity in the new age. Brotherhood. Masters of wisdom. |
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"Freemasonry is a traditional and universal initiatic order based on Fraternity --- It is an alliance of free men of good repute, of any origin, nationality and creed -- The purpose of masonry is the betterment of Mankind."
This homepage aims to draw the attention of the serious spiritual researcher (freemasons and others) towards the works of the Master Tibetan, Djwhal Khul and Alice Bailey The books written by A.A.B.together with Master DK, the master Tibetan contain many references at masonry, its origins, the course of its history, and the role that a revitalized and spiritualized masonry will be able to play and play in the future, carrying the light and the energy of the lesson of the Mysteries in the era of Aquarius. ...--- The homepage contains only quotations of the Tibétan Master (DK) and A.A.B. concerning; the masonic fraternity, the organization of freemasonry, the ritual, the masonic movement, the ceremonies, the work and the association of the masons..... The husband of A.A.B, Foster Bailey, wrote a book which is entitled; The Spirit of Masonry. This page is intended to those which dream to see the ideals of masonic fraternity and organization realized. .... Alice Bailey and the Master Tibetan worked together for 30 years. (1919-1949) 18 books were transmitted by Alice A. Bailey, a great work of approximately 9000 pages.... The books of the Master Tibetan and AAB are advanced esotericism. You may call it neo-theosophy. Mrs Blavatsky was the creator of theosophy.
Foster Bailey "The spirit of Masonry" This book contains 5 instructions drawn from the series which the Master Tibetan, master DK, had the intention to give to a group of freemasons by the intermediary of Alice Bailey..... But the instructions could not be given entirely because of the lack of time and other pressures appeared at the time of its work with Alice B ---- one asked Foster Bailey to undertake these 5 instructions and to publish them. This was done by him, as well as the addition, in the second part of the book, of an article of Alice Bailey published for the first time in the journal "The Master Mason", and also of the text of a conference addressed by Foster Bailey to a Lodge in New Jersey. ... The books written by the master tibetan in collaboration with Alice Bailey contain many references to the freemasonry... Its origins - the course of its history - and the significant role that a masonry revitalized and more spiritualized will be able to play and play in the future, carrying the light and the energy of the lesson of the Mysteries in the era of Aquarius ---------- The freemasons have still much work to make. The time of a true recognition of the masons, on a great scale, is still far.... The freemasonry, in the direction Masonic and spiritual, must still prove of itself. When this takes place and that the spiritual intention subjacent withal work Masonic will be understood better, then the law of the Manufacturers could be felt. Then the work of the group for the race could be done. One will see the cooperation conscious of the Lodge to work since the High Places - then the masonry will be restored like the guardian of the Mysteries of the spiritual life on the ground, and will prove that it is the force of life in the heart of any true religion. ... "From Thirty years of work" Lucis Trust
The Masters of wisdom and the freemasons. Masonic initiation ceremonies The masonic fraternity and its ideals and landmarks Masonic rituals Masonic initiations, tradition, symbolism, ceremony, work, organization and movement. | |||||
"Esoteric Psychology I" - Page 368 Lucis publishing company Under this 7th. ray influence the Masonic Fraternity will come into a more pronounced spiritual activity and begin to approximate its true function and to fulfil its long-seen destiny. One point it might be of interest here. During the period of the activity of the 6th. ray the Fraternity fell into a sectarian attitude, along with the many other grouped circles. It fell also into the snare of materialism, and the outer form has for centuries been of more importance in the eyes of Masons than the inner spiritual meaning. Symbols and the system of allegories have been emphasized, whilst that which they were intended to convey and to reveal to the initiated has been quite forgotten..... The trend of the attention of a lodge of Freemasons, and the main emphasis, has been potently placed on the function of the W.Master, and not upon the significance of the work upon the floor of the Temple. The lodge has not been regarded as an integrated functioning entity. This must be changed, and the potency and the effectiveness of the lodge work and ceremonial will be demonstrated. [369] .... It will be seen that in the regularity of the rites and the sanctified formality of the ordained ceremonials lies the true meaning of the work and the use of the Word. The coming era of group work and power and of organized synthetic ritualistic activity will profoundly affect freemasonry, as the importance of a central dominating figure passes out with the 6th ray influence and the true spiritual work and function of the lodge itself is understood. ....
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"The Externalization of the Hierarchy" - Page 511 Lucis publishing company - Master Tibetan and Alice Bailey "The 3 main channels through which the preparation for the new age is going on might be regarded as the Masonic Fraternity, the Church and the educational field - All of them are as yet in relatively static condition, and all are as yet failing to meet the need and to respond to the inner pressure. But in all of these 3 movements, disciples of the "Great Ones" are to be found and they are steadily gathering momentum and will before long enter upon their designated task. ........ When The Masonic Movement can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralyzing condition, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law - it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiations - It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in the work in the lodges. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under "the All seeing Eye" the work can go forward. It is a far more occult movement than can be realized, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists. In its ceremonials lies hid the wielding of the forces connected with the growth and life of the kingdoms of nature and the unfoldment of the divine aspects in man - In the comprehension of its symbolism will come the power to cooperate with the divine plan. It meets the need of those who work on the 1th Ray of Will or Power.....
Page 446 "Esoteric Astrology" - Lucis Trust Masonry - inadequate and corrupt as it has been and guilty of over-emphasizing certain forms of symbols - is nevertheless a germ or seed of the future hierarchical effort when that effort is - at some later date - externalized on Earth ------- Masonry is governed by the 7th ray, and when certain important changes have been made and the spirit of Masonry is grasped instead of the letter, then we shall see a new kind of hierarchical endeavor appear to aid in the restoration of the ancient and sacred Mysteries among men.
"The Rays and the Initiations" - Lucis Trust "The ground is being prepared at this time for this great restoration. Masonry and the churches are today before the judgment seat of humanity's critical mind and the word has gone forth from that mass mind that both of them failed in their divinely assigned tasks........- It is realized everywhere that a new life must be poured in and great changes wrought in the awareness and in the training of those who work through and in these 2 media of truth. Those changes have not yet been carried out, for it will take a new vision and a new approach to life experience, and this only the coming generation is capable of giving; - they and they alone can bring about the needed alterations and the revitalization, but it can and will be done"
"The Rays and the Initiations" - The Aspirant and the Mysteries of Initiation Page 418 Djwhal Khul, Master D.K. "The time has now come, under cyclic law and in preparation for the New Age, for certain changes to be worked by freemasons with spiritual understanding. The present Jewish coloring of Masonry is completely out of date. It has been preserved far too long, for it is today either Jewish or Christian and should be neither. The Blue Lodges degrees are entirely Jewish in phrasing and wording, and this should be altered. The Higher Degrees are predominantly Christian, though permeated with Jewish names. This too should end. This Jewish coloring is today one of the main hindrances to the full expression of Masonic intention and should be changed, whilst preserving the facts and detail and structure of the Masonic symbolism intact. " |
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Statement (Extract ) by the Tibetan master DK. (Master Djwhal Khul) August 1934 "Suffice it to say, that I am a disciple Tibetan of a certain degree, and this tells you but little, for all are disciples from the humblest aspirant up to, and beyond, the Christ Himself. ...I live in a body like other men, on the borders of Tibet, and at times - from the exoteric standpoint - preside over a group of Tibetan lamas, when my other duties permit. It is this fact that has caused it to be reported that I am an abbot of this particular lamasery. Those associated with me in the work of the Hierarchy (and all true disciples and aspirants are associated in this work) know me by still another name and office. Alice Bailey knows who I am and recognizes me by 2 of my names..... I am a brother of yours, who has traveled a little longer upon the Path than has the average student, and has therefore incurred greater responsibilities. I am one who has wrestled and fought his way into a greater measure of light than has the aspirant-disciple who will read this article, and I must therefore act as a transmitter of the light, no matter what the cost. ..... I am not an old man, as age counts among the teachers, yet I am not young or inexperienced. My work is to teach and spread the knowledge of the Ageless Wisdom wherever I can find a response, and I have been doing this for many years. I seek also to help the Master Morya (M) and the Master Kut Humi (KH) whenever opportunity offers, for I have been long connected with Them and with Their work. In all the above, I have told you much; yet at the same time I have told you nothing which would lead you to offer me that blind obedience and the foolish devotion which the emotional aspirant offers to the Guru and Master Whom he is as yet unable to contact..... Nor will he make that desired contact until he has transmuted emotional devotion into unselfish service to humanity - not to the Master. ..... The books that I have written are sent out with no claim for their acceptance. They may, or may not, be correct, true and useful. It is for you to ascertain their truth by right practice and by the exercise of the intuition. Neither I nor Alice Ann Bailey is the least interested in having them acclaimed as inspired writings, or in having anyone speak of them - with bated breath - as being the work of one of the Masters of wisdom. If they present truth in such a way that it follows sequentially upon that already offered in the world teachings, if the information given raises the aspiration and the will to serve from the plane of the emotions to that of the mind - the plane whereon the Masters of wisdom can be found - then they will have served their purpose. If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the worker in the world, and brings a flashing forth of his intuition, then let that teaching be accepted. Not otherwise. If the statements meet with eventual corroboration, or are deemed true under the test of the Law of Correspondences, then that is good and well. But should this not be so, let not the student accept what is said. " Djwhal Khul |
Video. What is masonry?
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